Future of ed - tech Start-ups in India
Ed-Tech, startups, online learningAbstract
Due to the importance of education in driving economic growth, traditional learning methods have given way to digital ones. The profound change in the learning approach is the result of the industry's observation of ubiquitous and innovative technology. The combination of technology and education created economic possibilities for Ed-Tech businesses. The sphere of education has seen a lot of evolution after technological development. The change in the technological environment has shifted a large consumer base from primitive methods of education to modern methods of imparting and acquiring knowledge. The world is getting hit by such a severe pandemic COVID-19 that forcefully shifted people to online learning mode during the lockdown period. This situation gave an opportunity to the Ed-Tech start-ups in India to flourish. The research paper focuses on the Ed-Tech start-up's scope in India. The research work also discusses the various factors that might be responsible for the change in the teaching-learning process developed that helps escalate the need of the Ed-Tech start-up in India.
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Dr. M.A. Sikandar, Prof. P.F. Rahman (Dec, 2021) “Edtech Start-Ups in The Education Ecosystem In The Post-Covid-19 Era In India” Vol.13. Issue No.4 ISSN No. 0947-035x
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