A Social-Legal Study in the Context of Law and the Emerging Personality of Women In 2024





Women’s rights, gender equality, legal reforms, social-legal study, empowerment, 2024


The evolving status of women in the 21st century has been a key indicator of global progress in the social and legal spheres. The year 2024 marks a significant phase in this transformation, as women’s roles continue to expand in diverse contexts such as politics, business, technology, and law. However, challenges persist, particularly in the intersection of law and society, where historical biases and systemic inequalities are still being addressed. This research article explores the emerging personality of women in 2024, highlighting the legal framework that governs gender equality and women’s rights globally. It examines how law has both empowered women and constrained their advancement, and considers the evolving role of gender in legal systems across the world. The study delves into recent legal developments, case laws, and social changes impacting women’s status while suggesting avenues for further reforms to sustain their growth as equal participants in global society.


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DOI: 10.53724/ambition/v9n2.04
Published: 30-08-2024

How to Cite

Manju Soni. (2024). A Social-Legal Study in the Context of Law and the Emerging Personality of Women In 2024. Research Ambition an International Multidisciplinary E-Journal, 9(II), 12–15. https://doi.org/10.53724/ambition/v9n2.04


