The Problem of Women's Education in India: A Sociological Discourse


  • Dr. Rakesh Kumar NET, Ph.D., Uchchtar Madhyamik Shikshak, B.K.D. Boys High School, District School Darbhanga, Bihar


Globalization, Developing, Women's Education, Gender Inequality, Literacy Rate, Status of Women


In this era of globalization and globalization, the problem of education among women is a matter of serious concern in a developing country like India. Despite the passage of almost 61 years of independence (1947), the condition of education and literacy among women is pathetic. However, many commendable steps have been taken by the government, non-government and international organizations to overcome the problem of education among women, constitutional provisions, the constitution of committees and education-related policies and many programs, etc. Despite this, the educational status of women has not been possible as better than the expectations of the government and the public. According to Census 2001, the female literacy rate in the country is only 54.16 percent, while the male literacy rate is 75.85 percent, that is, the difference between males and females is 21.69 percent. This shows that even today the gender inequality between men and women has not reduced. If we estimate the female literacy rate according to the state, then Hindi-speaking states of North India like Bihar (33.37 percent), Jharkhand (39.38 percent), Uttar Pradesh (42.98 percent), Orissa (59.97 percent), Madhya Pradesh (50.28 percent), etc. The literacy rate of the state is poor, while the states of South India like Kerala (87.80 percent), Mizoram (86.13 percent), etc. have a better position. Thus, regional inequality in the status of education still prevails. Poverty prevails in the country, low socio-cultural and economic status of women, inequality of educational opportunities, faulty administration, etc. As a result, various types of problems such as low health levels, low standard of living, more dependence on men, and other socio-economic problems, etc. have been arising due to lack of education. Therefore, there is a dire need for the family, society, and government to make a concerted effort to improve the educational status of women so that women can improve their status in the family, society, and nation; Because in the absence of female education, it is not possible to imagine a healthy family and society.


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Malviya, Rajiv, Educational Philosophy and Sociological Background, 2006, pp.-195.

Buddhist Kamal Prasad, Various Dimensions of Women's Education, Buddha Mission of India, Patna 2008, pp.-32, 33.

National Family Health Survey-3 (2005-06), International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, 2007, pp.-498.

Gupta, Saroj Kumar, Indian Woman: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Institute of Publications 2007, New Delhi.

Census of India, 1991 and 2001, Provisional Population Totals, Paper-1, Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India, pp.-114.


Kurukshetra, Publications Division, New Delhi, 2006, p.27.

Ojha, A.N. Social Problems of India, Chronicle Pub. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007, pp.-415, 418



How to Cite

Dr. Rakesh Kumar. (2020). The Problem of Women’s Education in India: A Sociological Discourse. Research Ambition an International Multidisciplinary E-Journal, 4(IV), 10–16. Retrieved from


