The Discrepancy Between the Grassroots Media in Malaysia and Korea




Narrative technique, Plot construction, Humor, Ironic, Role of Media, Grassroots Media Organization


The term “citizen journalism” refers to grass-roots media. The focus of this essay is mostly on the similarities and differences between Malaysian and Korean media. A crucial component of grassroots media is the ability of individuals to express their political beliefs in a democratic online environment. This article discusses how grassroots media has made it feasible for individuals to take part in politics with the aid of contemporary internet networks and digital technologies. Because of how widely the internet is used, journalism at the grassroots level has developed into a rare method of news delivery and collection. Political parties and their social media specialists' sharing of official campaign materials is just one aspect of grassroots journalism. Additionally, it concerns the dissemination and sharing of Facebook material that users share with their friends and family.


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DOI: 10.53724/ambition/v7n2.04
Published: 30-08-2022

How to Cite

Li Zhenzhen. (2022). The Discrepancy Between the Grassroots Media in Malaysia and Korea. Research Ambition an International Multidisciplinary E-Journal, 7(II), 08–10.


