Examining the effect of Colonial Links and Language on International Trade – A Gravity Analysis


  • Anirudh Bharadwaj Muralidhara,
  • Martin Talán


Gravity Model,, Gravity Analysis,, International Trade,, Colonial links.


International Trade has close links with colonization of countries with rich natural resources, spices and human resources to carry out activities like weaving, industrial production, agriculture etc. This study aims at studying such colonial links through gravity analysis. The study analyses the case of France, which was one of the biggest colonizers in world. It studies the cultural effects of language which colonies left on the countries they traded with. It studies the impact of both Imports and Exports on France’s International trade using gravity analysis.


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How to Cite

Anirudh Bharadwaj Muralidhara, & Martin Talán. (2020). Examining the effect of Colonial Links and Language on International Trade – A Gravity Analysis. Research Ambition an International Multidisciplinary E-Journal, 5(III), 08–12. Retrieved from http://www.researchambition.com/RA/index.php/ra/article/view/111


